Levi E. Coe Library

Calendar: Adults

Join us in discussing The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. We will be discussing the second half of the book– pages 113-295. Please register for this program.

Sign up on the library’s facebook page for an adult/teen take-home craft. Sign ups begin at 7:30 AM.

Join us in discussing A Nearly Normal Family by M. T.  Edvardsson. Copies will be available at the library.

Join us in discussing My Antonia by Willa Cather. Copies available at the library.

Join us in discussing the first half of Atomic Habits by James Clear. Please register for this program.

Sign up on the library’s facebook page for an adult/teen take-home craft. Sign ups begin at 7:30 AM.

Join us in discussing Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Copies will be available at the library.

Sign up on the library’s facebook page for an adult/teen take-home craft. Sign ups begin at 7:30 AM.